
Average score 747 Reviews
Tessa Buisson noted on Google

1 month ago
Rose YU noted on Google

L’un des restaurants les plus authentiques que vous trouverez à Paris ! La carte est très variés, les prix sont justes et les portions généreuses ! Mon resto préféré dès que j’ai envie de chinois ! (Translated by Google) One of the most authentic restaurants you will find in Paris! The menu is very varied, the prices are fair and the portions are generous! My favorite restaurant whenever I want Chinese!

1 month ago
Hugo GIRAUD-CARRIER noted on Google

Super restaurant Bonne ambiance et excellente cuisine! La patronne est incroyable! (Translated by Google) Great restaurant Good atmosphere and excellent food! The boss is amazing!

1 month ago
Alexandre Cote noted on Google

1 month ago
Lucie noted on Google

très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

1 month ago
Gabriel Genton noted on Google

Excellentes nouilles sautées, de même pour les entrées. Terrasse très agréable. (Translated by Google) Excellent fried noodles, same for starters. Very pleasant terrace.

1 month ago
Emily Harris noted on Google

Order the mochi, I lived 4 months in Japan I know what good mochi tastes like. Fun place to share some great dishes. Your euro goes a long way here.

1 month ago
Ana noted on Google

De retour au Mandarin. La carte est toujours aussi étonnante mais malheureusement les prix sont en hausse et la quantité est en baisse. C'est bien dommage. (Translated by Google) Back at the Mandarin. The menu is still amazing but unfortunately the prices are increasing and the quantity is decreasing. It's too bad.

1 month ago
Lara Kavaklıoğlu noted on Google

Incroyable et très chaleureux! (Translated by Google) Amazing and very warm!

2 months ago
Laura Benedikter noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Exquisite food, very authentic atmosphere (Original) Cibo squisito, atmosfera molto autentica

2 months ago

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