
Average score 733 Reviews
Richard Brinkman noted on Google

Food and service are very good, can choose multiple dishes and make your own rice table for all or just choose one complete dish per person. All 5 of us mixed this up but it all tasted wonderful! The pricing is also very reasonable, paid 85€ for 2 adults, 2 teens and a 7 year old kid. We were full, kid even got a keychain dragon after :)

2 months ago
Dimitri Milinevskyi noted on Google

2 months ago
Magda Toma noted on Google

2 months ago
Alexis Foucambert noted on Google

3 months ago
Gilles Amato (Captain) noted on Google

Une cuisine traditionnelle de qualité, la forte fréquentation de la clientèle chinoise est un indicateur particulièrement fiable. 😊 (Translated by Google) Quality traditional cuisine, the high attendance of Chinese customers is a particularly reliable indicator. 😊

3 months ago
Sinay noted on Google

Un banger, le meilleur restaurant Chinois de Paris, sans hésitation 🤌🏼🔥 (Translated by Google) A banger, the best Chinese restaurant in Paris, without hesitation 🤌🏼🔥

3 months ago
Fleur Li noted on Google

3 months ago
Alexandre TABORD noted on Google

3 months ago
Bruno Le Chaux noted on Google

3 months ago
Camille Bizien noted on Google

(Translated by Google) My favorite restaurant in Belleville! The food is very good with fast, efficient and lovely service. They even indicate the waiting time when a dish takes longer to prepare. Come early because there are not many places. There is a covered terrace and an uncovered terrace (in spring/summer). When it's not too cold it's the ideal place to settle down with children who don't eat very cleanly! (Original) Mon restaurant préféré à Belleville ! La nourriture est très bonne avec un service rapide, efficace et adorable. Ils indiquent même le temps d'attente quand un plat est plus long à préparer. Venir tôt car il n'y a pas beaucoup de places. Il y a une terrasse couverte et une terrasse découverte ( au printemps/été). Quand il ne fait pas trop froid c'est l'endroit idéale pour s'installer avec des enfants qui ne mangent pas très proprement !

3 months ago

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